Board Elections: 2018 Update

Want to be part of the Board for the Nation's Capital Chapter of the Ohio Alumni Association?  We have an election coming up on June 30, 2018 to fill the positions of Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.  By alumni chapter rules, our current Vice President will become the next President when the current term ends.  Thus, Lauren Vollberg will be our Chapter President beginning July 1, 2018, through June 30, 2020.

We need people who want to be active members of the Board and want to carry on the Chapter through the next two years and beyond.  The roles for each position are as follows:

The President shall

  • Represent and serve as a responsible and positive steward of Ohio University.
  • Serve as a liaison to the OAA, maintaining at least monthly communication with your liaison.
  • Preside over all executive board meetings and general group meetings.
  • Be aware of planning and coordination for all events, meetings and functions of the group.
  • Establish strategic vision, annual goals and year out event plan for the group by actively engaging the executive board, group members and OAA.
  • Keep executive board and group members informed of general Alumni Association events and encourage participation in group and university activities.
  • Ensure all Alumni Association and university policies are upheld by group.
  • Attend annual Alumni Leaders Conference or designate a member of executive board to attend.
  • Complete and submit annual report, year out calendar and award nominations to the OAA.
  • Serve as immediate past-president to transition the leadership role to the president-elect upon completion of term.
  • Encourage, motivate and seek out potential group members and leaders to actively volunteer with the group and/or participate in group events.
  • Serve two year term.

Past President shall:

  • Represent and serve as a responsible and positive steward of Ohio University.
  • Transition the duties of the president to the new president.
  • Assist the president and all officers and chairs for first two months of transition.

Vice President shall:

  • Represent and serve as a responsible and positive steward of Ohio University.
  • Welcome new members to group.
  • Follow up post event with attendees.
  • Recruit volunteers to work events (with leadership of special events chair).
  • Work with the OAA to support the Office of Admissions with letter writing campaign and volunteers for college fairs.
  • Attend executive board meetings.
  • Maintain current list of active group volunteers and contact information.
  • Fill role of president during meeting absences.
  • Assume role of president at end of biannual term.
  • Serve two year term.

Treasurer shall:

  • Record all financial transactions for the group
  • Submit pre-event budget
  • Submit and/or approve all group reimbursements.
  • Receive and report to executive board on quarterly account reports from OAA
  • Direct group (with scholarship chair) in determining scholarship awards and process with consultation of OAA.
  • Attend executive board meetings.
  • Serve in the absence of the secretary at executive board and general meetings.
  • Serve two year term.

Secretary shall:

  • Record all meeting minutes for the group.
  • Distribute meeting minutes to executive board and OAA within 30 days of the meeting.
  • Notify executive board and chairs of meeting dates.
  • Attend executive board meetings.
  • Serve two year term.

Nominations for the positions of Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer will be accepted through June 20th.  If you have an interest in one of these positions, please email President John Moore at or  All nominees will be asked to draft a short description about themselves, why they are interested in the position, and why they feel that they deserve the vote of Chapter members.  Those descriptions will be posted here so that Chapter members can be knowledgeable about the candidates prior to the election.  

If you have questions about this process or any of the positions, please feel free to email any of the current elected Board members of attend a Board Meeting to see how the process works.  We hope to have a great Board to lead us into the next couple of years and beyond, but we can't do it without you!