Board Minutes: March 27, 2018

Nation’s Capital Chapter of Ohio University

Board Meeting Agenda

March 27, 2018

Attendees: Lauren, John, Mark, Greg, Joan, Amanda, Whitney


  • Welcome new attendees
  • Student Senate society: Mark and Greg formed society about 5 years or so (2011)
    • About 200 members through Facebook across country
    • They are looking to expand upon their DC Networking week for Student Senate members, many of which are Political Science or Journalism majors with interests in coming DC after graduation.
    • Probably in the Spring, between 30-40 students
    • Would like to organize a time to network with local alum and collaborate with the alumni chapter here in the DC area
    • Limit to Student Senate for first year and maybe expanding based on reaction
  • Alumni Leaders Conference in Athens
    • May 18th
    • Adams Hall
    • Up for 4 awards, Lauren Vollberg was nominated for Volunteer of the Year. web page update

  • General update
    • Still getting a fair number of hits. All newsletters include links to the website.
    • 130 unique visitors in the last 30 days, 265 unique visitors since the start of the year
    • The Welcome Page, Contact, and Events are the top visited pages
  • Payment due in September
    • $216 per year
    • Will plan to stay with Squarespace--seems to be working out, despite some spam.

Recent events

  • Wreaths Across America
    • About 6 alum attended
  • Ohio-Buffalo basketball game watch/Sock Drive
    • Donated 84 pairs of socks to a shelter in Fairfax County
  • Volleyball
    • Just wrapped up season and fell to Villanova in tournament
    • 7-1 regular season record and 2 playoff wins makes for 9-2 overall record
    • Go Bobcats!

Upcoming events/calendar planning

  • DC Area Reception for Admitted Students (April 15, 1:30, Sherwood Comm. Center, Fairfax)
    • Expecting 42 guests (14 prospective students)
    • Board will provide food and drink- budget $75-80
  • Ohio Alumni Association Remote Race (5K/3K run/walk in April; $15 registration)
    • The OU Sports Administration program is organizing a Remote Race during the month of April.
    • Cost is $15 to register: $5 goes to OHIO, $10 goes to a charity of choice.
    • For members of the Nation's Capital Chapter, we would like to donate to the Community Food Initiatives Charity in Athens.
      • When you go to the link to register, under the What's Your Reason drop down menu, we ask that all Chapter participants please select this charity.  You can also designate through the form that they are affiliated with our Chapter.  For more on this charity, visit this link.
      • Follow this link to register and choose "Ohio Alumni Association Remote Race presented by OU-HCOM"
    • Goal to get 200 Bobcats across the country to participate
  • 1804 party (April 18 at Crystal City Sports Pub)
    • The intent of this gathering is to celebrate OHIO and Athens for Founders Day.
    • We will invite the 8 interns that are still in town for the Semester in DC program.
    • We will host the event at Crystal City Sports Pub and use tier funding for food.
    • There will be Athens trivia and prizes so please join us there!
  • Earth Day clean up (April 22)
    • Is there a park in your neighborhood that you can spend a half/hour picking up trash? Join fellow Bobcats in cleaning up your neighborhood this Earth Day.
      • We are organizing a remote Earth Day initiative: take a pre- and post-clean up picture, post to social media (Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook) and use the hashtag #BobcatsGoGreen18
      • OHIO will send us t-shirts to wear for volunteering, so let us know if you plan to join!
  • Sexual harassment speaker (Jenny Hall-Jones, Dean of Students; rescheduled for August)
    • OHIO would really like for us to have this event, but there was a lack of interest in the topic.
      • How can we reframe to still engage with Jenny Hall-Jones? What other topics would be of interest? OHIO folks are thinking about this as well.
      • We would like to engage with local alumni on topics of substance--is there a topic you want to discuss? Let us know!
  • Softball ($50/player)
    • Registration for the 2018 season has begun. If you are interested in joining the team, use this link to register. 14 alum have registered so far.
    • The league involves 14 regular season games and a 2 weekend tournament (63 teams, free beer, CCSP supplying the food).
    • We will be posting the schedule for folks to come watch. One weekend to note is the Ohio Cup: June 16th. We will be playing OSU, Dayton, and Xavier.
  • Two Trains Running at Arena Stage
    • David Emerson Tony is an actor and OU alum featured in "Two Trains Running" at Area Stage through the month of April.
    • Would you be interested in attending? Please answer our survey here!
    • If we can get a group of 10, we can get a discount: $47.25 per ticket. However, if people are interested we could subsidize with Chapter funding. So let us know!
  • Golf Scramble (June 9, South Riding), need sponsors
    • We lost sponsorship from Acura, so if any alumni are aware of a company that would be willing to sponsor a hole, we can share the requisite forms.
    • We are asking each board member to recruit at least one sponsorship for a hole.
  • Nationals vs. Reds (August 2-5)
    • In response to the call for more family-oriented activities, OHIO alum will attend the 1:35PM game on Sunday of the National vs. Reds series.
    • We will plan to use Chapter funding to subsidize the tickets and raise money for the scholarship fund.
    • More information will be forthcoming!
  • Ohio football game at Virginia (September 15)
    • Athens plans to hold a Bobcat Bash at the stadium
    • Waiting to hear about tickets, transportation
    • Our plan will be to organize some kind of trip
  • Fall Crawl on The Mall
    • We would like to organize an bar crawl in September or October on Capitol Hill. Our plan is to focus on 6 bars on one side of the Hill.
    • We are considering designing t-shirts to sell. More information is forthcoming.
  • Baltimore Aquarium
    • Tabled
  • National Cathedral
    • Rick looking into it and there are couple of different tour options. One option will group times still available is the Gargoyle Tour- Saturday August 25th.
    • Pricing $12 for adults, $8 for kids, under 5 free
    • Would you be interested in attending? Please answer our survey here!
  • Burrito Buggy
    • Has been purchased by a few guys in Athens
    • We are looking to bring the Buggy to DC.
    • A couple of OU alum opened brewery in Sterling called Rocket Frog Brewing
      • Looking to do an event with Buggy/Rocket Frog
      • More information forthcoming!

Election update

  • Put out feelers on website and Facebook to see if they are interested in running for elected positions
  • Lauren will be President
  • Roles of VP, Secretary, Treasurer
  • Ramp up advertisement to garner interest

Schedule next meeting

James Hoban’s Irish Bar and Restaurant Near Dupont

  • June 28th, 6:30PM
  • Executive Board elections will happen at this meeting, so we hope to see you there!